Thursday, 14 January 2016

WINTER CARE ( Diet & Fitness) – PART 2

Do you want to get a glowy skin and lustrous hair right this season?

  Are you ready to rock this winter with a fit and toned body?

If yes, then this article is for you!!

Today, in the ‘Winter Care’ topic, I shall discuss about the diet and exercises best for the winter season, and not about any home remedy or products. I don’t know if I’m tad bit late for this topic, as winter is almost gone here whereas my hometown friends in North-east are enjoying chilling weather there! Still I would like to dig deep into winter health and skin care, diet regime, which do keep much importance in improving our lifestyle and you can follow these tips every winter season. I personally give much importance to skincare and fitness than the makeup things (LOL, till now you already got that hint from my blog title only- Natural Beauty...). So the mantra of this article is ‘Glow from inside’, but this would be possible only when you would indulge yourself in healthy lifestyle.

Now read ahead to find out, what are those magical foods and powerful exercise which you should follow at home throughout this cold season.

Foods to Include In Your Diet This Winter:-

It is quite obvious to gorge on some mouth-watering delicacies during this cold season. But you know, consumption of these junk foods might lead you to a serious weight gain for sure. So be wise and opt for real healthy and nutritious food, which not only keep you healthy but will keep your skin woes at bay.
( Note - I am not going into the nutrient details for the sake of post length issue)

1. Carrot: 

2. Pumpkin: 

3. Broccoli: 

4. Spinach: 

5. Whole Grains: 

6. Cumin

7. Winter Squash: 

8. Potato: 


1. Banana: 

2. Grape fruits: 


4. Citrus: 

5. Almonds: 

Others -

1. Chocolate: 

2. Coffee: 

3. Egg Yolk : 
4. Tuna : 

(Image sources : Public domain images from Pixabay)


I am a die hard fan of YOGA. The asanas boosts your immune system and provides warmth during this cold season. Being a regular reader and a follower of few health websites helped me a lot to learn them accurately. I practice them regularly and most importantly it’s improved my health also. I do those exercises (be it Yoga/freehand) only which I am comfortable in.

Below is the list of few exercises best for this season, which you can perform at home also. If you are already practicing then good, or else start trying them. I have given the image links, please go through each of them and learn the accurate steps.

1. Sarvangasana ( Shoulder stand)

2. Dhanurasana (Bow pose): 

3. Surya Namaskara ( Sun Salutation) : 

4. Bhujangasana ( Cobra Pose) : 

5. Kapalabhati ( Chest Breathing Exercise): 

6. Paschimattosana ( Seated Forward Bend) : 

7. Do Meditation : 

(Image sources : 1, 2,3,4,5,6,7,8)

8. An interesting fact which I have come across recently is about balloons. They say, blowing balloons help to improve lung capacity and is a very good breathing exercise. So it’s like killing two birds with one stone! Use balloons for decoration as well as for good health purpose.

So, indulge yourself in this healthy routine and reinvent yourself.

See you soon.

Have You Ever Tried These Foods And Exercises In Winter? Do Let Me Know Your Thought On This In The Comment Section Below. If You Found My Article Helpful,Then Do Like And Share !!


  1. nice article...I do most of these exercises :)

    1. wow..that's great Anubhuti :) Yoga and freehand exercises are easy to do also!

  2. I positively having fun with each little bit of The asanas boosts your immune system and provides warmth during this cold season. Being a regular reader and a follower of few health websites helped me a lot to learn them accurately. I practice them regularly and most importantly it’s improved my health also.Articles About Health
