Thursday, 31 December 2015

Beauty Tips/Hacks series...

Just a few hours left and this year  is going to end tonight,so here am wishing you all a very HAPPY  AND A PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR 2016. Sharing this year's last beauty tip with all of you, hope you would find this tip useful. Enjoy and have fun sweeties but do not forget to share your thoughts with me!

Beauty Tips/Hacks #3   To fix the ENLARGED PORES, you can try this face pack. This face pack is able to cleanse the skin as well as helps to minimize the enlarged pores significantly.

Add lemon juice and a little milk to oatmeal. Apply the paste evenly onto the skin and then keep it for 10 minutes. When it dries, wash off with water. Avoid this mask if there are any skin eruptions.

See you soon.

Monday, 21 December 2015

How To Take Care Of Skin & Hair During Winter? Winter Care - Part 1

The birds are gone, the world is white
The winds are wild, they chill and bite;
The ground is thick with slush and sleet, 
And I can barely feel my feet.  ( R.E.Slater)

And here comes the fourth season- winter! This season calls for cosy jackets, hats, colourful sweaters, and stylish boots, but along with these dry, dull, rough, itchy, flaky skin and hair issues come along..the list is endless!! We must admit, most of us don’t like winter as much as we love the rest of the seasons. The reason is simple; the dry air zaps out every bit of moisture from our skin and hair. And this freaks me out like anything, so beauties it’s a high time to take good care of our skin and hair. Oily skin beauties may get a relief but dry skin beauties need to take double protection, double care and double tension. In short, winter for them is double trouble!! But no worries, today I'm going to share a few winter skin and hair care tips with all of you.

Saturday, 19 December 2015

How to get rid of dry elbows naturally at home? Beauty Tips/ Hacks...

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Beauty Tip 2 # How to heal dry elbows naturally at home?

To remove the dryness and roughness from your elbows, take a good shower first and exfoliate the skin. Then cut a grapefruit into two halves and rest your elbow on each halves.The acidity of the fruit will soften the rough skin but do not forget to apply moisturizer post wash!

Hope you would find this tip helpful. Don't forget to comment and subscribe my posts.

With Love ❤️

Anamika Chattopadhyaya


Tuesday, 15 December 2015


Hi everyone,

I think you all remember in my last Nature’s Co November beauty box article, I mentioned about Evening Primrose shampoo, though this is not a product of my beauty box. So today, I have decided to share my thoughts on this hair cleanser, which is from Atmospure range.

Over the years, my tresses have shredded a lot due to various reasons (starting from bad diet and lifestyle of hostel life to using chemical laden hair products), which resulted into limp and shrimp dull fine hair with zero shine. My quest for pure natural shampoos has come to an end certainly, but to know how much this cleanser fared for me, please read ahead.

The Nature's Co Evening Primrose Hair Cleanser Review

Friday, 11 December 2015

How to get long beautiful eyelashes naturally? New Series- Beauty Tips/Hacks

As promised, I am starting this new series Beauty Tips/ Hacks on my blog from today itself! These tricks I have collected from my make-up artiste friends, self experience, books, peer, and last but not the least, internet guru. Most of the tips you might know, still I will post for those who are unaware of them. Hope these tricks help you all.

Beauty Tip 1 #

Do you want to have long beautiful eyelashes?? 

Then try this serum-
Take castor oil(2 tbsp), almond oil(1 tbsp) and Vitamin E (1 capsule). Mix them together and your serum is ready. Apply this serum on the lashes regularly to get the best results.

See you soon.

Monday, 7 December 2015

How To Reduce Pimples And The Scars – My Tricks!

"I loved autumn, the one season of the year that God seemed to have put there just for the beauty of it’’Lee Maynard

Such a true and beautiful description of autumn! But sadly this season is going to bid us goodbye as winter is knocking at the door. I just love this festive season. Autumn has its own unique charm, but my skin has lost its charm and I do not see any positive sign to regain it back in the near future also! I am in my late 20’s, so can’t expect that much I know.

Tuesday, 1 December 2015


Hello everyone,

 Today I am going to show you all my “The Nature’s Co Beauty Wish Box” subscribed product for November month. This is my first ever beauty box subscription from Nature’s and I’m really very excited to try my hands on them! I received this treasure box a couple of days back but got busy with some work so could not post then. Sorry.

The theme of the November month is ‘’Wintry bliss’’ and they have sent me all the sample sized products according to the theme. So thoughtful! Nature’s Co is well known for its Vegan friendly and environment friendly products. They believe that the secret to good health and beauty lies in pure nature. I have used Nature’s Co shampoo and conditioner in the past, they worked well for me. This beauty box contains 5 sample sized and 1 full size product. My beauty box comes under one month subscription category.

Subscription Type – 1 month subscription= 595.00
                                  3 months subscription= 1645.00
                                  6 months subscription= 3215.00
                                  Annual subscription= 5950.00

Delivery - at the END of every month.
For more information please visit their site link

Wednesday, 25 November 2015

A letter to my readers about my 'Natural Beauty And Makeup' Blog

Dear readers,

Welcome you to my new blog ‘NATURAL BEAUTY AND MAKEUP' (NBAM).

UPDATE -2022

This is a personal blog of mine where I share reviews of natural, organic, herbal beauty products and services, natural beauty tips, home remedies, life hacks, DIYs, sustainable fashion and lifestyle things. In the past, this blog published many commercial and natural product reviews and travel stories. However, since 2021, it's been featuring only natural beauty related content.  

My intention is to ease your buying decision as well as to share my experience with all of you. I'd appreciate your ideas, suggestions, and comments on my blog posts.

To know more about me and NBAM blog, do read ‘About Me’ & ‘contact me’ page on this blog.

Feel free to contact me at –

Did I tell you, I have another beauty, travel and lifestyle blog? Do check out www.everythingenchanting(dot) com 😍😉🙂

Lots of love
Anamika Chattopadhyaya ❤️

Thursday, 19 November 2015

Review : Biotique Biofruit Whitening and Depigmentation Face pack

Hello ladies,
Hope you all are doing fine & enjoyed the festive season to the hilt. This time I have come up with a review for a ready made face pack from a much known brand Biotique, and the pack named “Biotique before Whitening & De-pigmentation Face Pack”. To know more about my experience with this product, please read ahead.

Thursday, 5 November 2015

Review: Eyetex Dazller Eyeliner in Black

Hello beauties, 
This is my first ever review of a product on my beauty and makeup blog and I am so excited to share my experience with all of you here 😍. Eyeliner is one of the makeup products which is very essential to accentuate the beauty of our eyes. Today, I am going to review “Eyetex Dazller Eyeliner” in the shade black. But to know whether or not I am impressed with it, please read about my experience!