Friday 3 November 2017

Review: The Nature’s Co Hibiscus Anti Dandruff Hair Cleanser (For All Hair Types)

Hello beauties,
How are you all? Today, I am going to review Hibiscus Anti-Dandruff hair cleanser from my favourite brand The Nature’s Co 😊 But hey, wait! TNC is undoubtedly my favourite brand when it comes to hair care products but is this Hibiscus Shampoo worth the hype? Did it impress me? To find out more about this product keep scrolling down peeps πŸ‘‡

The Nature's Co Hibiscus Anti Dandruff Hair Cleanser Review

Product Description:

Rejuvenate, heal and nourish your hair with Hibiscus extracts. They restore your hairs natural barrier stimulating growth and leaving it dandruff-free and silky smooth. Furthermore, it prevents split ends forming, strengthens roots and acts as an anti-dandruff agent. Apply a small amount and gently massage into the hair and scalp area and rinse.

The Nature’s Co Hibiscus Anti Dandruff Hair Cleanser
The Nature's Co Hibiscus Anti Dandruff Hair Cleanser


Category: Shampoo/ Hair Cleanser
Variety: Anti-dandruff shampoo
Hair Types: For all hair types
Price & Quantity: INR 895 for 250 ml (I got it at discounted price)
Shelf Life: 2 years from mfg
Availability: Online and at The Nature’s Co outlets



The Nature’s Co Hibiscus Anti Dandruff Hair Cleanser Ingredients List
Ingredients List!

My Experience With The Nature’s Co Hibiscus Anti Dandruff Hair Cleanser:

You know, by now I have convinced myself that no shampoo or oil can cure my damaged hair condition especially hair fall. WHY SO? I have some personal health issues and as usual, treatment is going on. Moreover, I keep travelling plus shifting my base from one place to other (job life!) thus factors like the change of climate, hard water along with illness are all wreaking havoc on my hair and skin!! Hair fall is at its best πŸ˜“ So until and unless I am not fit enough, it’s better not to judge shampoos or any hair product on their hair fall reducing part! It’s absolutely my personal opinion, kindly don’t mind 😊

The Nature’s Co Hibiscus Anti Dandruff Hair Cleanser product description
Product Description

Hence now the qualities I look for in my hair cleanser are πŸ‘‰
If it,

Reduces frizz
Provides Shine
Cures dandruff (varies)
Cleans oily scalp       
Adds volume       
Scalp irritation issues!       
Controls hair fall to some extent (first & last wish of course) 



The Nature’s Co Hibiscus Anti Dandruff Hair Cleanser product
The Packaging!

The Nature’s Co Hibiscus Anti Dandruff Hair Cleanser comes in a long square shaped, transparent plastic bottle with a firm flip top cap (TNC standard Packaging Model). The packaging is bulky but travel-friendly. Necessary details about the product are printed on the back of the packaging.  All TNC product containers are recyclable and the brand is against animal testing.

The Nature's Co Hibiscus Anti Dandruff Hair Cleanser recyclable packaging
SPI Code of 5, Recyclable Packaging


Texture of The Nature’s Co Hibiscus Anti Dandruff Hair Cleanser
The Texture

Hibiscus Anti-dandruff Hair Cleanser belongs to Foressence range of The Nature's Co. The colour of this hair cleanser is pale red (resembling Hibiscus flower) and has runny consistency with a smooth gel texture. It has a pleasant floral fragrance that stays for few hours post each hair wash.


How I used:         

Usually, I dilute all shampoos with a little water to cleanse my hair. So for my mid-length hair, I would take a small amount of this cleanser to wash my mane twice a week followed by TNC Nori hair conditioner. I also like to mix different essential oils (lavender/rosemary/tea tree) with my regular shampoos to obtain more benefits but not often!

PS: All TNC shampoos and conditioners last for around 6 months and above if you use it twice a week like me. 


Hair type - Combination (oily scalp & dry hair ends)

The Nature’s Co Hibiscus Anti Dandruff shampoo claims to rejuvenate, nourish and heal our hair leaving it dandruff-free and silky-smooth. In my case, after each use, it gave me a clean scalp with pleasantly scented refreshing hair. It is mentioned that it is meant for all hair types; however, this couldn’t nourish my tresses when used alone (without using any hair conditioner)!! A few months back, my scalp got hit by dandruff and since then I’ve been struggling with it. Although this hibiscus shampoo provided me with immediate dandruff–free scalp but the result was temporary; I got dandruff again as soon as I stopped using it. No scalp irritation or itchiness, whatsoever.

It couldn’t help control my hair fall, didn’t increase it either though 😊 It lathers pretty well and kept my scalp oil-free for maximum 2 days from the shampooing-day, on the third day I had to wash my hair again.

Packaging of The Nature’s Co Hibiscus Anti Dandruff Hair Cleanser
The Nature's Co Hibiscus Anti Dandruff Hair Cleanser

The days when you’ve oiled your hair, you may need a generous amount of it or sometimes have to cleanse your hair twice to completely take away the oiliness from the hair and scalp. Otherwise, a little amount would suffice the purpose. I don’t have split-ends issue hence can’t comment on that part. With proper moisturizing conditioner, it manages to make my hair frizz-free and polished else I can see the hair flyaways all flying around the crown 😞

So it’s best for whom?? 
I believe, normal to oily hair types will find this product amazing for them 😍 It doesn’t work that great on dry & damaged hair!

UPDATE 2020: Visit our 2nd blog “Everything Enchanting” for more latest updated interesting content! Henceforth, this NBAM blog will feature only natural beauty and lifestyle content. Check out our YouTube channel (ana everythingenchanting) as well!

Plus Points: 

  • All natural
  • No chemicals
  • A little amount is all you need unless hair is oiled!
  • Reduces dandruff to an extent but not permanently
  • Cleanses hair very well and leaves it refreshed
  • Pleasant fragrance
  • Product lasts long
  • Forms decent lather
  • Keeps oiliness at bay for at least 2 days
  • Perfect for normal to oily hair types
  • No scalp irritation/itching
  • Available at the stores and online

Minus Points:   

  • Expensive 
  • To combat dandruff, you cannot skip this cleanser else dandruff will hit again!
  • A conditioner is necessary to make hair smooth and frizz-free (if you have dull and damaged dry hair)
  • Not for all hair types especially dry!

Rating: 4.2/5



We all are well aware of the fact that anti-dandruff shampoos are generally a bit harsh in nature but I had huge expectation from this shampoo which is infused with all the natural goodness of hibiscus, aloe vera, pro vitamin B5 and apple cider vinegar 😐 It is true to its claim of leaving scalp dandruff-free, however, as I said, this doesn’t cure it completely!! I loved how this would add volume to my limp tresses and gave refreshing hair after every hair wash. A conditioner is a must if you have combination to dry and damaged hair to make it look healthy, shiny and smooth. If you have oily to normal hair with mild dandruff issues then go for this hair cleanser without a doubt!

The Nature’s Co Hibiscus Anti Dandruff Hair Cleanser
The Nature's Co Hibiscus Anti-Dandruff Hair Cleanser

I had finished this bottle long back and since then I’ve been using TNC Watercress Shampoo, not anti-dandruff one! Soon I’ll review this as liking it way too much 😊 I may not repurchase this shampoo rather would love to try other TNC hair cleansers next!

Hope you found this review helpful.

See you soon 😊                                       


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Have You Ever Tried The Nature’s Co Hibiscus Anti-Dandruff Hair Cleanser? If Yes, Then Share Your Experience With Me In the Comment Section Below.


  1. I have used it and love it. Though it gives just instant relief from the dandruff! Nice review dear <3

    1. Exactly dear, it gives a temporary result not permanent! Thank you <3

  2. Thankfully, I dont have dandruff problem but yes I can get this for hubby! I have used this brand before also and found its products quite effective.

    1. If jijaji has oily/normal hair, then he can give this a try :) It's not that good for dry hair types, but anyway, he can combine it with a hydrating conditioner! Thank you Pooja <3

  3. You gave it heart and soul into the post. So well described .
    No doubt b in my head after reading it.

    1. Aww!thank you so much, Khushi <3 Glad, you loved this post, this comment made my day :)

  4. While I am hailing its natural goodness, I have to say no because of my dry and flying away always hair.

    1. Oh yes, Navaji, if you have dry hair then you have to follow it with a good moisturizing conditioner. In that way, it manages all hair flyaways :)Thank you <3

  5. Sad that the results were temporary but love the fact that it's all natural and chemical free, lovely review :)

    1. Thanks Aditi :) I love TNC brand but somehow it didn't suit my hair type and cure dandruff!!

  6. Sounds really good! I hope I can get hold of this product.

  7. I have an oily scalp so it will probably work on my hair too :D

    1. I have an oily scalp but dry hair, that's why I had to apply a good hydrating conditioner to manage my hair flyaways! If you have the same type, then yes, just follow my tip and it's gonna work :D It's good for oily and normal HAIR types :) Thank you <3

  8. Looks like this is not for me, I have dry hair. But as a brand, I like them as they are chemical free.

    1. Yes, Safi, even I am a loyal buyer of TNC brand but somehow this particular shampoo didn't click for me and my dry hair :( Thank you <3

  9. I've never seen a shampoo bottle like that before. It sounds pretty nice too. I hear a lot of people use products with apple cider vinegar for their hair and have had good results. I've never tried it personally though.

    1. Oh yes, Lisa, if you have fine, limp, oily/normal hair then you must give this one a try :) Additionally, it'll help you with dandruff too! I also use apple cider vinegar as my last hair rinse to get that shine :)Thank you so much <3

  10. Thanks for your review! Have a nice day! xx Melle

  11. Yes Bhawna, same here! Except this particular shampoo, I loved all hair & skin care products that I've tried to date :) This is good but just didn't suit me! Thank you <3

  12. I have tried a few products from the brand.. Liked most of them.. Winter is coming, so the dandruff.. Would love to give this a try...

    1. Yes, definitely try this one, you will love it :) Thank you, Madhu <3

  13. With winters approaching I think this is a must <3

    1. Yeah, winter means dandruff and flaky scalp!! Try this shampoo babe, you'll like it I am sure :) Thankooo<3

  14. Same 8s happening with me...Due to base shifting and travelling a lot my hair condition is bad right now and so is dandruff :( I was really hopeful about this..I guess tea tree oil therapy would be best bet..

  15. taking out dreads wow, awesome blog.Thanks Again. Really Great.
